Arttrober 2023 (Part 3 of 4)

It's October, and that means that once again I'm following the prompts for Arttrober, a daily drawing challenge that requires artists to draw specific characters from games, anime and comics over the course of the month. This post reviews days 17 to 24 of the challenge.

OBLIGATORY WARNING: Every one of these images was produced in a single day in the time available! They may be off-model, poorly shaded, or a little bit crap. Discretion is advised in the eye of the beholder.

A drawing of the character Kasumi from the fighting videogame series Dead or Alive, wearing her default costume for Dead or Alive 6. She's looking off-panel, with her wakazashi raised defensively in a high guard as she twists around to meet the unseen threat.
17 Kasumi (Dead or Alive)

Another fighting game character, this time from the long-running series Dead or Alive, which is infamous for some of the physics modelling of their fighters' general chest areas. Kasumi here is dressed in her default costume for the sixth entry, which looks remarkably modest compared to some of the alternatives.

A drawing of the character Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) from the Batman mythos. She's looking towards the viewer, vines wrapping around her. One of the vines has bloomed a purplish flower, which she holds up with one upraised hand.
18 Poison Ivy (Batman)

This portrait came out quite well. Poison Ivy appears in a variety of Batman and Batman-adjacent media, and is popularly paired with Harley Quinn, so this drawing pairs nices with Day 3's artwork.

A drawing of the character Lynn Minmay from the anime Dimension Fortress Macross. She's dressed in one of her many idol outfits (the one with the sashes), singing into a microphone.
19 Lynn Minmey (Dimension Fortress Macross)

An idol singer from a classic space-warfare anime, back from when I didn't watch anime. Lynn also appears I believe in Robotech, a chimeric fusion of multiple Japanese animes to create an entirely different show for Western audiences. I didn't watch that either.

A drawing of the character Ferry from the videogame Granblue Fantasy. She has a great mane of pale blue hair, and noticeable rabbit ears. She's facing the viewer, holding a whip stretched taut between her hands.
20 Ferry (Granblue Fantasy)

A rabbit-eared fighter from the Japanese RPG Granblue Fantasy (and its fighting game sequel, Granblue Fantasy Versus). Don't make me tell you I haven't played it, because I'm starting to get tired of saying so.

A drawing of the character Jessica Cruz from the Green Lantern comics. She's facing the viewer in her green lantern costume, her clenched fist upheld while the ring it bears glows green.
21 Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)

Jessica is one of many characters who has taken on the mantle of a Green Lantern in the eponymous comics. Apparently, she's also been a Yellow Lantern, but I decided to make a green artwork, not a yellow one, so there.

A drawing of the character Yuuki Asuna, from the novel/anime series Sword Art Online. She's dressed in her late-Aincrad costume, and is in the process of drawing her rapier.
22 Yuuki Asuna (Sword Art Online)

I've seen Sword Art Online—or at least, a couple of series of it. It has its virtues, but there's also a lot about it that can be picked apart by snarkly Internet commenters. Still, I Asuna's design well enough, even if I don't think I've done a good job of capturing her likeness in this case.

A drawing of the character Eurydice, from Greek mythology and the videogame Hades. She's an oak nymph, and thus has several tree-like characteristics—and a lot of tattoos.
23 Eurydice (Hades)

The deceased wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from the Underworld due to doubt clouding his judgement at the very last step. She's also a character in the acclaimed videogame Hades, which several of my friends have played and I've considered playing, which may lead to it actually happening in a decade or so.

A drawing of the character Delirium from the Sandman comics. She's looking off to one side, hands clasped in front of her, her hair swept to one side, streaked in different colours.
24 Delirium (Sandman)

And finally for today, we have Delirium, one of the seven Endless of the seminal graphic novel Sandman. Her appearance is constantly shifting, which made it slightly tricky to find good reference images.
