Artwork: Tiefling Valentine

Even those of a devilish nature can make some time for a little romance, I think.

A digital drawing of two horned individuals (either tieflings or some other demon-touched being) sharing an intimate embrace. To the right and in front: a woman with yellow irises and long purple hair, dressed in a brown leather bodice over a shoulder-less black dress. An ornate necklace hangs from her neck, and her tail peaks out near the bottom of the drawing. To the left and slightly behind his partner: a man with reddish skin and short brown hair, dressed in some kind of modest uniform, possibly that of a priest or official. The woman has turned back to kiss the man, both sets of hands clasped together over her midriff. The background is a splash of red direct behind to the two lovers.
Two tieflings in a mutual embrace, about to kiss.

Ah, Valentine's Day. I douby any of my friends and acquaintances think of me as a romantic person, but that doesn't mean I can't provide some romance for the characters I create, now does it?
