Artwork: Green-Haired Demoness

One electrician's appointment, cutting off the power to my office, plus one (mild) migraine, distracting me further from work, equals another drawing of a devilish lady.

No specific inspiration here: just playing with poses and costumes and colours, and adding a bit of a background for the first time in a while.

A green-haired woman with horns and pointed ears sitting in a gloomy booth in a coquettish pose. She has yellow eyes with slit pupils. She's wearing a dark maroon blouse with puffed shoulders and attached red sleeves and a jobot around her neck, pinned with a golden amulet. She's wearing a leather corset and a frilled maroon skirt with red underside, drapped over the edge of the booth's seat. She's wearing striped tights, and knee-high leather boots, laced with red laces. She's looking to the viewer with affected disinterest, one elbow propped up against one knee.
A young woman, not entirely human, sitting in a booth and looking coquettish.

This came out mostly okay. The background seems to work—a little detail without drawing too much attention from the main character. The green hair is striking, if nothing else. Composition I feel is slightly off; something about the shoulders too close together with the angle of the body not obliquely angled enough to wholly justify the pose.
