Artwork: Wasteland Scholar

Occasionally I actually don't draw fey females in fantasy or Victorian-era garb and backdrops, but draw something else entirely. Truly my range knows no bounds.

This one has a more post-apocalyptic vibe, depicting an armed scholar traversing a barren wasteland. Though he might carry a sword (and a sidearm at his waist), he is a scholar nevertheless—thus his attention remains engrossed on the datapad in front of his face. Presumably, if a threat emerges, he'll swing that sword vaguely in front of himself, and the danger will pass.

A male scholar walks a barren waste. He has short, swept-back brown hair and wears spectacles with additional wires and a filter over one eye, suggesting technological augmentation. He's wearing an armoured brown-grey robe, and is holding a datapad, which he is engrossed in reading. In his other hand, he's holding a sword: the blade glows red. Over one shoulder is a mounted torch. He's carrying various pieces of gear around his neck, wrist and hips: a gas mask, a sidearm, a flask, and some kind of cable attachment, currently furled.
"Yes, I'll start paying attention as soon as I've finished reading this fascinating treatise on 17th century pottery."

This is actually a drawing I did for a roleplaying game I'm involved in, one that uses the 1st edition Dark Heresy rules for adventures in the grim darkness of the forty-first millenium—that is, Warhammer 40000. The game is fun, the system is... imperfectly designed.

A higher-resolution version of this artwork, along with the line-art, can be found on Artstation:
