Artwork: Half-Elf Explorer

If there's one thing I like drawing, its hair. Not neat, properly-trimmed, short-cropped hair, no. Just silly amounts of hair tumbling down in waves and ringlets over one shoulder or the other. Conversely, if there's something I don't tend to enjoy drawing so much, it's hands and feet. Of course, that's because hands and feet are hard—just ask Stable Diffusion.

Anyway, here's a half-elf explorer, looking at something I didn't draw.

A platinum-haired half-elf with dusky skin, looking up off-camera at something while reaching up for the googles raised up atop her scalp. She's wearing a cream-coloured shirt and brown leather corset and harness, as well as long leather travelling boots. She's also wearing some copper jewellery, hanging down her front, and she's standing on a stone platform with claw-like protrusions.
The Half-Elf Explorer in her natural environment, refusing to look where she's going near precipices.

She's only a half-elf because the length I drew her ears isn't ridiculous enough.

In this particular instance, I don't think the hands (or feet) came out so bad. Hopefully with more practice, I'll come to enjoy drawing hands and fingers like I do hair. Also maybe I'll learn to put more effort in backgrounds. It could happen!

A higher-resolution version of this artwork can be found on Artstation:
