Artwork: Elven Warrior

Generally I draw upon medieval or victoriana/steampunk influences for my drawings, because there's a lot of good reference photographs in easy search distance courtesy of re-enactors and LARPers. Another aesthetic I occasionally draw upon though is Classical—specificially the ancient Greeks, more specifically in this case Grecian armour such as worn by hoplites.

I may or may not have been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey around the time of drawing this.

An elf warrior with long blonde hair and teal eyes. She's wearing a classical Greek-style breastplate, black and gold, with a lilac undercoat. She's holding a polarm, its tip off the edge of the drawing. She's wearing a red shawl to tie her hair back, and is wearing sandals.
An elven warrior.

This character is supposed to represent Alva, one of the characters in my Wizardry Let's Plays, still located in the depths of this blog's archives.

Hey, I drew toes! I hardly ever risk doing that.

A higher-resolution version of this artwork, along with the line-art, can be found on Artstation:
