Artwork: The Seer

There's always a debt artists have to their references—from life, if they're lucky, but also from photographs. Without these references, artists like myself commit all sorts of crimes against proportionality and human evolution. This particular piece owes a debt to the Alchemist's Daughter clothing set produced by the good people at Armstreet. I'm sure their actual products are great, but as a repository of photographic references they're bloody incredible.

A profile of a brown-haired, almond-eyed woman looks at a green-glowing crystal ball held up in front of her. She's dressed in an orange-red gown with a green suede bodice. A number of golden medallions hang from leather straps from her neck and headband, with one larger medallion hanging from a fine chain from a belt around her hip.
The Seer, looking into her crystal ball. It's on fire.

I think I like the strong definition of the line-art of this piece, particularly around the face and hair; later work (as I write this in 2023) will try to recapture that more consistently.

A higher-resolution version of this artwork, along with the line-art, can be found on Artstation:
