(Digi-)Inktober 52, AD 2020 (Part 4 of 4)

 During 2020 (everyone's favourite year), I did the Inktober 52 challenge: a drawing every week, based on a single word prompt (uh... except when it's two words, like 'praying mantis'). Since I used Blogspot to upload the images for hosting in the first place, it occurs to me that I might actually want to create a post or two with the images in them to direct the curious towards. If you are that curious person, welcome!

The fourth 'season' (12 images... because I missed a prompt and so combined two together):

40 Fish + 41 Teeth
42 Outpost
43 Chef
44 Shoes
45 Satellite
46 Hurt
47 Stairs
48 Yawn
49 Book
50 Yeti
51 Trumpet
52 Gift
