Crusaders of the Dark Savant, Part 2

Previously, on Crusaders of the Dark Savant, our heroes stalked a cosmic lord across the very firmament (verily!) and came upon a verdant new world, rich in intrigue and threat. In other words, they spent several months on a cramped spaceship, suffered muscular and mental atrophy, forgot several spells, lost most of their most valuable equipment, and then got dumped in a forest with no way home.
Avaunt adventure!
With little else to do, the party gather their remaining gear and prepare to set forth.
Whisker "Well, best get on with it. To the Astral Dominae!"
Shaana " that what we're here for?"
Whisker [Irritated] "Yes! Pay attention, girl!"
Shaana "It's just...weren't we following that cosmic lord to see where he was taking the Forge...?"
Motoko [Shrugs.]
Wrath "Clearly, we are here to stop the Dark Savant."
Alva [Wryly] "Whoever that is."
Whisker "Yes, yes. And clearly, the best way to stop this Dark Savant is to acquire the Astral Dominae before he or she or it does!"
Alva [Sceptically] "Right..."
Konata "What is the Astral Domino anyway?"
Whisker "Dominae." [beat] "I have no idea."
Shaana [Cheerfully] "Maybe this awesomely powerful artefact won't be horribly cursed!"
Whisker [Less cheerfully] "That would be nice, yes."

Exploring the Wider World of Lost Guardia

Unfortunately, before the party manage more than three steps into the forest, they are suddenly existential anxiety!
As shown by these trees.
Walking through the trees, you suddenly stop...
Shaana [Walks into Wrath] "Ow. Why have we stopped?"
A torrent of thought sweeps past you, dark haunted images, escaping from behind the confines of your own mentations...
Whisker [From the back] "What's the hold-up?!"
Like a shock, your mind begins to race with the impact of all events that have brought you to this place.
Motoko [Taps foot impatiently.]
Does Mankind have a destiny?
Konata "Do faeries have a destiny?"
Shaana "Does womankind have a destiny?"
Konata "What about dragon and cat people like Wrath and Mr. Whisker?"
Does the Universe have a destiny? Could it be possible to alter the Universe of all that has been before? Or is all that can be, to remain all that is...
Shaana "I still don't understand why Wrath just stopped..."
Who is this Dark Savant, this dark herald of change? And what role shall you play? Will your actions assist the approach of a new order within the universe, or hasten the onslaught of its own destruction...?
Alva [Nods primly] "New order, definitely."
Konata "No, onslaught!" [beat] "What are we talking about, again?"
And how can you be certain of the difference?
Konata "By the screams, presumably."
These thoughts begin to fade as quickly as they appeared, and soon your gaze returns to the forest where you stand. Perhaps somewhere here on this new world lie the answers. And then again, perhaps not...
Alva [Yelling] "For gods' sake, get a move on up front!"
Wrath [Starts] "Hmm? My apologies. I was thinking about...ah, never mind."
The party begin their explorations of the forest in earnest. A short way out from the clearing that they first find themselves in, they come across a road. Signs of civilisation had been spied to the south (in the form of smoke from cookfires or chimneys), and so they head off in that general direction.

It is not long before they start encountering the first of the denizens of Lost Guardia. Mindful of their responsibilities as ambassadors from another world, the party engage cautiously but sincerely with the natives of this world, beginning a dialogue of peace and...okay, fine, immediate brutal violence occurs.
Wrath continues negotiations with the blinded T'Rang as their servants lie about them unconscious and defenceless.
The party are ambushed by a group of insectoids and rattkin. Bela had already forewarned them about the T'Rang, but this is also their first encounter with the Rattkin serving them. The Rattkin aren't so tough, but they are rather fond of throwing knives into the midst of the group, so Shaana is immediately set to task putting them to sleep with her lute. Meanwhile, the rest of the group concentrate on the T'Rang wilders. Wrath, Motoko and Alva all rely on their usual blend of stealth and combat skills to evade attacks and pick off the T'Rang one by one. Konata joins them, but first makes sure to blind a few of the T'Rang to make doubly sure that the fight isn't fair. R'iskja holds off on unleashing too much magic too quickly, mindful that no safe place to recuperate expended magicka has yet been found. Instead he satisfies himself by hurling a stink bomb, and then stands back and whips any blinded, coughing T'Rang that stumble too close.

By the time most of the Rattkin have roused themselves from their magical slumber, their T'Rang masters are dead, and all they have left to do is await the grim spectre of death, as represented by Wrath's katana.
Shaana "Just like old times!"
Following the road, the party find themselves travelling alongside the walls of a settlement nestled within the forest.
Alva "Careful. We don't know what kind of reception we'll get here."

Ukpyr, City of Glory

Ukpyr is referred to, rather grandiosely, as the 'City of Glory'.
It says so right on the sign here.
It seems that the party are not the first otherworldly visitors to come upon the city however.
As you enter the town, a huge Umpani soldier blockades the street and motions for you to halt.
umpani "This domain is under the jurisdiction of the Umpani Imperium. No-one is allowed entry or passage. You must depart immediately or you will be consigned as enemies hostile to the Imperial Umpani Federation."
Whisker "Hmm...this is unfortunate."
umpani "Unless, of course, you are here to enlist as scouts for the Special Tactical Forces. Are you here to enlist?"
Konata "Sure!"
Wrath Alva Shaana Whisker [Stare at Konata.]
Motoko [Facepalms.]
Time in the new world before Konata conscripted all her friends into a foreign army: roughly twenty minutes.
umpani "Enlistments may proceed to the Recruiting Station, on the south side of town. If anyone stops you, tell them you are new recruits. The watchword is 'victory'."
Konata "Nice. Nobody would guess that."
The Umpani soldier leaves to resume his watch over the city gates.
Alva "Konata honey, you know we all love you, but what in blazes do you think you're doing?!"
Konata "You all love me! Wheeeee!" [flies off.]
Surveying the occupied city, you had expected to see fallen ruins and crumbling stones. Instead, the Umpani have impressively managed to reconstruct the town after their own fashion, using the same stones that once belonged to the legendary city.
The party take their time looking around, happy to not be immediately attacked for once.
How fitting for Ukpyr to be so reborn, and for the Umpani, what an interesting attestment to their underlying nature.
Wrath [Nods approvingly] "The Umpani seem to be an orderly people."
Shaana [Wrinkles her nose] "Not my kind of town."
The only unspoken, nagging question at the back of everyone's mind is...what price glory?
Looking around, it quickly becomes apparent that most of Ukpyr has been repurposed as barracks for Umpani soldiers. The moment the party take a closer look at one of them...
Guarding his post, an Umpani soldier bars your way.
An Umpani guardsman, doing his thing.
umpani "No-one is permitted beyond this point without proper orders. New recruits are assigned to special barracks at the south end of town. Leave the premises, now!"
Alva "Touchy, aren't they?"
Not every building has been designated lodgings for soldiers however. One locale is marked 'Firing Range'.
Konata [Flies down] "Oh, this is where they make pottery!"
Shaana "I, um..." [looks uncertain] " it?"
The party poke their collective heads into the building.
A tallish brute of an Umpani is busy rubbing down a long barrelled instrument with a piece of soft hide, polishing until perfection. As you enter he glances up, and then carefully sets the ominous looking object down in his chair and stands up to face you...
umpani "You got orders to be here?"
Wrath "No."
umpani "No-one gets on the range without proper orders. Now beat it!"
Shaana "Well that wasn't very friendly."
Having come in from the north (as far as R'iskja's direction spell can determine), the party continue to make their way through Ukpyr, staying away from the various barracks buildings until they find their way to the south part of the city. There they find an odd looking building with an odd sign nailed to its front.
The Umpani Central, um, what-now?
Everyone looks at Shaana, the party's designated picker of locks and (very occasionally) pockets.
Mounted to the door is a small grey box. A row of lights on the box blink rhythmically without pattern. Underneath the winking lights, a thin slit serves as inlet.
Shaana [Blinks] "Wow. Is this even a lock? I'm not getting through that."
Deciding that forcibly breaking into a heavily fortified building that they didn't even know the purpose of is perhaps not the smartest strategy in the middle of what is essentially a military encampment, the party continue exploring Ukpyr. Eventually they find a row of dusty, unoccupied barracks running along the inside of Ukpyr's south wall.
National Educational Psychological Service?
Shaana "N.E.P.S?"
Wrath "There is nobody within at present."
The party take a closer look.
Entering the pallid and stale barracks, it appears that you are its first occupants in quite some time. A few straw mats rest upon the hardened floor, a bit uncomfortable, but clean and dry. At least it seems to offer safe shelter for the night.
Alva "Looks like nobody's been around for a while."
Following the line of empty barracks east, the party finally come across a sign indicating a recruiting station.
Recruiting dangerously armed individuals for irregular duties here.
Shaana "Um, why are we doing this?"
Konata "Because I said we would join the army!"
Alva [Narrows her eyes] "Yes Konata, yes you did."
Whisker "We might as well take the opportunity to establish a base of operations in this world. We will likely not last long without making allies."
Wrath "We have survived up until now."
Whisker "Yes, but why chance it? I imagine we can part ways with the Umpani should their suggested orders not suit our desires."
Shaana "You...none of you know how armies work, do you?"
The entire party sidle into the recruiting station, trying to look like possible recruits rather than a home invasion.
Upon a wall of the recruitment centre, the giant head of a stern-looking Umpani armsman, dressed in colourful military regalia, adorns a larger than life-size poster over which is printed in bold letters: DUTY, POWER, VICTORY—I.U.F. NOW!
The image possesses a striking allure which seems to promise an end to the ordinarily confused and chaotic mess that passes for existence, and only as an afterthought do you reflect on the possible price of such servitude...the freedom of choice.
Shaana "Yeah, Konata."
Konata "Hmm?" [floats around with a bored expression on her face.]
Just then, a somewhat puffy presence makes itself known...
A somewhat puffy presence, with a horn on its face.
umpani "It's a great opportunity you know. Back home, you probably wouldn't even be considered. But there are special exemptions for remote exploratory operations, assuming of course, that you are interested in the S.T.F....?"
Whisker "S.T.F....?"
umpani "That is, Special Tactical Forces, scouting operations and the like. Do you wish to enlist as scouts for the Imperial Umpani Federation?"
Konata "Yes!"
Alva "Sure."
Whisker "Why not?"
Motoko [Shrugs indifferently.]
umpani "My name is Sergeant Balbrak, and I'll be your commanding officer. As recruits of the S.T.F. you will be given special assignments. The pay is proportional to the task, and you can pick up your orders from me for the time being."
Shaana "Okay, uh...boss."
umpani [Eyes narrowing] "You may stay in the N.E.P.S. barracks while here in Ukpyr, the New Enlistments Personnel Station."
Sergeant Balbrak quickly whips out a pen and writes something on a piece of paper, which he hands to Wrath, probably because he's the only one actually standing to attention.
umpani "Take these orders to Sergeant Kabomm at the Supply Depot to pick up your issue of I.U.F. gear, and he will direct you from there."
Wrath "Understood."
umpani "And by the way...welcome to the I.U.F.!"
Konata "Thanks!"
The party sidle out of the recruiting station, while the Sergeant regards them with an unreadable expression. Since nobody actually gave the party directions to the supply depot, they just wander towards the nearest large building they can see, whereupon the party gets attacked by restless spirits.
Possibly the ghosts of the last lot dumb enough to enlist.
Ignoring for the moment why Ukpyr has a ghost problem, spirits are tricky foes, being immune to a lot of status effects, very good at dodging hits (or letting them pass throught them harmlessly) and able to cast magics of their own, such as weakness or slow.

Wrath, Motoko and Konata immediately try to position themselves to flank and gank the spectres, while Alva takes point and attempts to immediately destroy them outright with her dispel undead spell. It doesn't work.
Alva "Damn, nothing works like it used to!"
Shaana blesses the party with a toot of her angel's tongue (the horn that is). Whisker casts a magic missile, which misses, but Whisker is unperturbed.
Whisker [Calmly] "We need only distract them until the others are in position."
At this point one of the spirits casts terror on everyone not hidden in the shadows.
Whisker [Panicking] "We're doomed! Run away!!"
Fortunately Wrath and Motoko simultaneously strike the two spirits from behind, banishing them from the corporeal world before anything embarrassing could happen.
Motoko [Looks at R'iskja.]
Whisker [Clears his throat awkwardly.]
Having dealt with the first hostile encounter to be found within Ukpyr itself, the party proceed towards a heavily guarded compound in the centre of the city.
A large squadron of Umpani Armsmen stand at attention in front of the Command Headquarters. At your approach, one of them immediately steps forward and motions for you to halt.
This does not read 'Supply Depot'.
umpani "Authorised personnel only...papers please."
Wrath shows the armsman the party's orders.
umpani "You're in the wrong area. Now clear out, soldiers!"
The armsman shoos the party away before anybody can ask where the damned depot is they're supposed to get their new equipment from.
Alva [Angrily] "Are we going to need some kind of tracker to find this depot?!"
Motoko [Points at an Umpani walking down the street.]
umpani "Did somebody request a tracker?"
Rhallick, the master tracker of depots and possibly magical artefacts.
Shaana "Ah, hello there!"
umpani "At ease, soldier!"
Konata [Falls out of the air.]
umpani "I am Tracker Rhallick, master scout for the I.U.F."
Wrath "And what is your role within the I.U.F, sir Rhallick?"
umpani "I search for the T'Rang fortifications, to exterminate them! Death the T'Rang vermin, destroyer of worlds!"
Whisker "Yes, yes, death to our wouldn't happen to know where the supply depot in Ukpyr is, would you?"
umpani "Sure, its north past the headquarters. Can't miss it."
Whisker "Excellent. As master scout, would you know anything about the so-called Dark Savant?"
umpani "The dread Savant knows no mercy, and spares none!"
Alva "Oh good."
Konata "What about that astral domino thingy?"
umpani [Looks at the party shrewdly] "If you know of the legendary globe, tell me more..."
Whisker [Glares at Konata] "Ah, we've only heard rumours, nothing concrete. We were simply curious."
While Rhallick's attention is on Whisker and Konata, Motoko surreptitiously casts mindread on him.
Motoko [Quietly, to Shaana] "Witches."
Shaana "Oh! Right. What about, er..." [looks at Motoko] "...those, um, witches?"
umpani [Nods conspiratorily] "It is rumoured that horrible witches roam the dark mountains!"
Shaana "Really? Gosh." [looks at Motoko again.]
Motoko [Shrugs.]
umpani "Dismissed!"
And with that, Tracker Rhallick leaves, and the mindread spell proves as obscure in use as ever. Nevertheless, the party now know that the supply depot is north of the Umpani headquarters on the east side, and so are able to find their way there and talk to the quartermaster.
Welcome to the depot, we've got guns and flak vests.
umpani "May I see your orders?"
Wrath "Of course."
umpani "Standard N.E.P.S. issue, huh? Lessee, that's two flak vests, two short muskets, ammo, and your official I.U.F.S.T.F.N.E.P. insignia badge..."
Sergeant Kabomm gathers some things from behind the counter, then looks up with a pleasant smile on his face.
umpani "That comes to 9250 gold pieces for the lot."
Shaana "Wait. What?"
umpani "Do you have 9250 gold pieces?"
Wrath "Y—"
Shaana [Glances sharply at Wrath] "No. Nope. Nadda. No."
Wrath [Closes mouth.]
umpani "I tell you what, since you're just greenhorns, I'll give you a break. 8000 gold pieces for everything and I'll throw in a Blade as well."
The party go into a huddle.
Wrath "It is unlikely that the quartermaster will make a better offer."
Alva "Why do we need to pay for equipment anyway? What kind of amateur outfit is this Imperium?"
Whisker "But if we work with these Umpani, it may expedite our search for the Astral Dominae."
The party break up and look back to the Umpani.
umpani "Can you pay the 8000 gold pieces?"
Shaana "N—"
Motoko [Grabs Shaana and pulls her away.]
Wrath "Yes."
Wrath receives the gear: two flak vests, two flintlock pistols with ammo, a walriblade, and an official-looking badge. Somewhere out of sight, Motoko and Shaana discuss the pros and cons of handing over eight thousand gold for equipment they don't need.
Shaana [In the distance] "YOU TREACHEROUS B—"
umpani "What was that?"
Whisker "The wind I think. What should we do next?"
umpani "Proceed over to the Firing Range, where Lieutenant Gromo will instruct you in basic training. He can direct you from there."
Wrath "Very well."
umpani "If you need more ammunition, just come back and see me. Here's your new orders."
Wrath takes the new orders. After a brief conference, Wrath and Alva equip the flak vests, being deemed a slight improvement on their current armour, despite their strange design.
Alva "What about these musket things?"
Wrath "Let us return to the Firing Range, and see if any of us have a knack for these new weapons."
The party reconvene outside the supply depot.
Shaana [Quietly] "Motoko and I have discussed the situation, and though I have misgivings, I will accede to the party's decision in this matter."
Alva "Motoko, is that a black eye?!"
Motoko [Winces.]
Having encountered the Firing Range already, the party have little difficulty getting back there. Inside, Wrath hands over the party's orders to Lieutenant Gromo.
These Umpani look all alike, because you're racist.
umpani "S.T.F., huh? Standard issue, right? Well, you need some basic instruction before heading out in the range."
Wrath "Please demonstrate for us, Lieutenant."
umpani "First, take your piece like so, and dump some powder in there like this...not too much or you'll get a black face and blown rod..."
The party gather around attentively. Except for Konata, who has no attention span to speak of, and R'iskja, who is far too intelligent to need to be told how to use something that is clearly inferior to magic anyway.
umpani "Put in a square and tamp it down, drop in the ball and tap down again, nice and firm..."
Shaana "Okaayy..."
umpani "Hold it like this...don't point that thing at me, you idiot!"
Shaana "Sorry!"
umpani "Right, okay, and keep your digit parallel to the barrel so you can get a feel of your aim..."
Alva "Uh-huh..."
umpani "Now when ready to fire, squeeze the trigger easy, don't jerk it...just point your finger where you want to shoot and that's all there is to it. Hua hua hua!" [snorts] "Well, almost all there is to it. You'll get the hang of it with lots of practice. You want to practice on the range?"
Konata [Flits back to the group] "Yes!"
umpani "A target and three rounds cost 125 gold pieces, six to a pack..."
Shaana [Icily] "Really."
umpani "Three bull's-eyes wins automatic promotion from the Captain. You need a six-pack of targets and ammo for 750 gold pieces?"
Wrath [Looks to the party, and nods] "Yes."
Motoko [Eyes Shaana nervously.]
Wrath receives the targets and ammunition.
umpani "You're all set, so head on out back to the range. Put your target up on the back wall and then shoot from behind the red line. I'll be watching to make sure you don't accidentally poke any holes in your target by mistake." [laughs.]
Shaana [Sourly] "Well there goes that plan."
umpani "When you're done, these are your new orders to report back to Sergeant Balbrak at the recruiting office. Good luck, Neps..."
The actual firing range is around the back of the building.
Looking down the range, you see a thick red line on the ground in front of you. Apparently, you are supposed to stand back here when firing.
At the far end of the range...
The back wall of the firing range is mottled with small holes and chips, and small metal pins stick out from it about chest high.
Wrath walks over to mount one of the paper targets on the back wall.
Mounting one of the targets onto a metal pin, you are ready to begin testing your skill at the firing range.
He then returns to the red line, and loads his musket.
Loading the little musket as per Lt. Gromo's instructions, you point the gun at the target and squeeze the trigger...
There is a loud bang as Wrath fires his first shot. He carefully reloads, aims and fires again, then goes about the whole routine for a third attempt. Gunpowder smoke fills the air, making it difficult to see to the target.
After the third shot, Lieutenant Gromo emerges at the back of the range and examines your target for successful shots...
Lieutenant Gromo shouts the results: one hit and two misses.
Wrath [Regards the target solemnly.]
Alva "Disappointed?"
Wrath [Does not reply.]
Alva [Nods to herself] "Yep, disappointed. My turn!"
Alva puts up her target and takes the musket from Wrath. She loads and fires three shots! Lieutenant Gromo relays the results: one hit and two misses.
Alva [Says nothing.]
Wrath [Also says nothing.]
Alva [Glares at Wrath.]
Wrath [Still says nothing.]
Shaana [Irritably] "Sheesh, get a room you two. Motoko, you're up."
Motoko takes the musket. This is the first weapon she's held in a long time. She takes aim, and...three misses.
Wrath Alva [Look at Motoko.]
Motoko [Shrugs.]
Shaana [Cheerfully] "Well that was crap. My turn!"
Shaana actually manages to hit the target with all three shots!
Shaana "Hey, I'm pretty good at this!"
Wrath Alva [Look at Shaana.]
Motoko [Smiles.]
Shaana "Now you R'iskja!"
Whisker "Hmm? Oh, very well." [Takes the musket.]
R'iskja hits the target twice, only missing with one shot.
Konata "Me! My turn!"
Alva "Konata, I don't think a faerie can—"
Konata manages to lift the small musket, despite it being longer than she is high, and flies up a few feet over the red line. She takes aim, the musket barrel swaying in her grip, and pulls the trigger, immediately launching herself into the wall behind her.
Konata "Ow." [beat] "That was fun!"
Konata repeats the procedure two more times. Lieutenant Gromo calls out the result: three hits, two of which were bullseyes!
Alva "What."
Thus the party all learn how to use firearms! This represents a new skill for each character, and actually is the first in an entire new category of personal skill alongside the weapon, physical and academic skills already available.

As the basic firearm, muskets do very respectable if variable damage in battle, but require reloading after every shot, using up a turn. Moreover, only Wrath and Alva can actually use muskets in combat, and neither of them want to.
Wrath "My swords are all I require."
Alva "Why would I need to use a gun when I have a spear?!"
Whisker [Hesitantly] "But the gun would allow you greater range..."
Alva [Indignantly] "I've got range! See?" [pokes at R'iskja with the tip of her lance from two metres away.]
Whisker "Yes, okay..." [lance clips the side of his head] "Get that away from me!"
As for Shaana and Konata, though they're apparently good shots, they can't use the weapons, which can perhaps be rationalised as thus:
Konata "But you hit all the targets!"
Shaana [Shuffles her feet uncomfortably] "Well yeah, but I couldn't use a gun in a fight. I might hit someone!"
Whisker "And our enemies are unlikely to wait for Konata to lift up the weapon to point it at them; nor are they like to wait for her to pick herself off the floor after she's fired it."
Konata [Sad face.]
Having got their equipment and training, the party immediately blow off their orders to return to Sergeant Balbrak and instead decide to explore the rest of the city, specifically the eastern part beyond the supply depot. They find a wide open space in the city, too barren to be parkland or a construction site, and a nearby building that is heavily guarded, much like the Umpani headquarters.
Well, it was a short trip, but it's time to go home.
Several Umpani armsmen block the entrance to the Spaceport Centre, intent on keeping out unwanted or unauthorised personnel.
umpani "This area is restricted. Present your orders."
Wrath [Hands them over.]
umpani "These orders do not grant you access to the spaceport. Leave the area immediately or I'll have to place you under arrest."
Alva "Well that was a bust. Let's check out south of here. Maybe we can loop round to the recruiting offices."
It turns out the area around the spaceport is lousy with vermin, some of which is rather hostile, like this group of evil murder crows:
Sorry, murder OF crows.
It's also infested with weird glowing moths of unusual size:
That's an upsettingly big moth.
Both kinds of vermin are potentially dangerous, but can be put asleep by Shaana's trusty poet's lute, then systematically exterminated, though multiple groups of crows sometimes necessitate the odd blinding flash (courtesy of Konata) or a small fireball (by R'iskja) to keep things manageable.

Random acts of flying vermin aside, in one corner of Ukpyr the party find an Umpani recreational facility!
Amid a clutter of smashed tables, small tufts of hide, a few scattered tooth chips, and so on and the like, you feel a bit homesick for the first time, and are glad to know that at least somebody else in the universe knows how to have a good time.
Konata "Aw." [sadly] "I haven't started a tavern brawl in ages."
Not finding anything else of note, the party eventually saunter back into the recruiting station, where Sergeant Balbrak awaits them:
umpani "Well well, how are the new cadets faring? All outfitted and finished with training I see."
Shaana "Yep. No diversions at all."
Motoko [Kicks Shaana in the foot.]
umpani "Now for your first assignment. There's been a report of a band of strangers hiding out in the Tramontane forest, a bit north of here. Of course it could just be some of the locals, but they may be spies. Possibly even the T'Rang."
Konata "Not the T'Rang!"
umpani "Here are your new orders. Comb the Tramontane forest for anything that might be dangerous. Report back to me when you've scouted the area."
Wrath "Understood."
umpani "And if you meet any of the enemy T'Rang...remember the I.U.F. motto: DUTY—POWER—VICTORY!!!"

Map—Ukpyr, City of Glory

Party review

Since landing in Lost Guardia, the party have already had a bit of time to reacquaint themselves with kicking arse and taking names, and have quickly ascended back to level 7. The current state of the union party is as follows:
Sword 59, Swimming 9, Firearms 4, Mythology 5, Artefacts 28, Thaumaturgy 42, Kirijutsu 40.
Wrath has learnt watchbells, a spell for waking party members in an emergency, such as an ambush while resting (the notion of keeping a watch while sleeping apparently too much effort to execute), and web, a spell for making people hold still while he cuts them.
Hands & Feet 49, Swimming 10, Scouting 2, Oratory 34, Ninjutsu 37, Firearms 4, Artefacts 30, Mythology 4, Theosophy 47, Kirijutsu 30.
Motoko has learned to create dazzling lights to distract and beguile her enemies, and identify, to use on items that would otherwise distract and beguile the party.
Wand & Dagger 32, Sword 38, Throwing 38, Bows 42, Hands & Feet 34, Swimming 10, Climbing 2, Ninjutsu 39, Firearms 3, Artefacts 40, Mythology 1, Scribe 26, Alchemy 52, Kirjutsu 33.
Konata has learned cure paralysis, because somebody has to, and confusion, because she would, wouldn't she?
Konata "Yep."
Sword 37, Pole & Staff 61, Shield 15, Swimming 10, Scouting 3, Oratory 39, Ninjutsu 38, Firearms 3, Artefacts 30, Mythology 3, Scribe 3, Theology 52, Kirijutsu 32.
Alva has learned both armourplate and enchanted blade, spells for improving the defence and offensive capabilities of the party when adventuring, for which everybody should be thankful.
Alva "Since I'm the only one here approaching a priest, they should be, yes."
Shaana [Confused] "Why are you approaching priests?"
Wand & Dagger 41, Sword 47, Swimming 8, Music 42, Oratory 37, Legerdemain 33, Skulduggery 28, Ninjutsu 39, Firearms 5, Artefacts 12, Mythology 2, Diplomacy 10, Kirijutsu 39.
Shaana has also learned watchbells, because it's basically a toss-up as to who will be knocked out by an inopportune sleep spell at any particular moment. She also has re-learned the fire shield spell, because fireballs remain, and will always remain, a thing.
Mace & Flail 59, Sling 27, Swimming 10, Scouting 22, Oratory 43, Firearms 4, Artefacts 36, Mythology 3, Scribe 36, Thaumaturgy 53.
R'iskja has learned a number of spells as he acclimatises to the magical field of Lost Guardia (it appears that pure casters like mages get three spells upon their first level-up after importing from Bane). He's learned whipping rocks, finally giving him something useful to use his earth magicka on other than figuring out which direction the party is facing (it whips rocks at people's faces), missile shield (in case somebody whips a rock at his face), watchbells (as for Wrath and Shaana, so too for R'iskja), and ice shield (because while fireballs remain ever a thing, so is being encased in enchanted ice).
